CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support


If you have a passion for working with our precious older population or are interested in pursuing a career in this well needed field this course is for you. The course can be done completely online from anywhere in Australia. Most comprehensive course with high quality course materials so you are well prepared to start a career in Aged care.

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nationally recognised training Nationally Recognised Qualification

Course Outline:

If you have a passion for working with our precious older population or are interested in pursuing a career in this well needed field on a supervisory level this course is for you. The course can be done completely online from anywhere in Australia. The program is composed of 15 core and 3 elective units. The elective units offered by Health Courses Australia only are listed. These electives have been selected to provide maximum employment opportunities.

This course involves practical as well as theoretical components. Some training and assessments will be conducted in a workplace training setting. It is highly recommended that students be immunized against Hepatitis B. Inoculations should begin prior to the commencement of study.

This is a Nationally Recognised Qualification recognised by the Australian Government so it is recognised anywhere in Australia and by all government bodies. This is a Nationally Recognised Qualification recognised by the Australian Government so it is recognised anywhere in Australia and by all government bodies. Only available for Australian Citizens, Permanent Residents and Temporary Residents with a Visa which allows them to study in Australia.

15 core units and 3 elective units must be completed successfully for the award of the Certificate.

Code                                  Module Name
CHCADV001 Facilitate the interests and rights of clients
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
CHCAGE003 Coordinate services for older people
CHCAGE004 Implement interventions with older people at risk
CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia
CHCCCS006 Facilitate individual service planning and delivery 
CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach
CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
CHCAGE002 Implement falls prevention strategies 
CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
HLTHPS007 Administer and monitor medications

Course Outcome:

This qualification addresses work primarily in residential facilities within defined organisation guidelines and service plans.

These workers:

  • Carry out activities related to maintaining an individual’s well being through personal care and/or other activities of living
  • May provide services to individuals with complex needs, and/or work with groups of older people
  • Report to service managers and liaise with professionals and other service providers
  • May be required to supervise an/or coordinate a limited number of other workers

To get a detailed brochure outlining everything email us at ad***@he***********.au

Pathways and Credits:

This course has the scope to receive some credits towards the Bachelor of Health Sciences, if interested in this please contact us before enrolment so we can advise accordingly.

Career Options:

Successful completion of the course will enable you to work as:

  • Assistant hostel supervisor
  • Care supervisor
  • Care team leader
  • Day activity worker
  • Hostel supervisor
  • Personal care worker
  • Program coordinator – social programs
  • Support worker
  • Aged Care Facility Manager

There are many other possibilities with this versatile course. Many of our students who do this course are either working in the aged care industry and want to do a qualification to get a better role in this must sought after and rewarding industry.

Pathways to further study:

Upon successful completion of this course, you may progress to undertake further study in a Diploma of Nursing (endorsed enrolled nurse)

Course Duration:

1235 hours of Study

Entry Requirements:

  • To gain entry in CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support a candidate must be recognised as competent, through a recognised training program or recognition process, against the following core units from CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)  (or equivalent):
  • CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
    CHCCCS023 Support independence and well being
    CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
    CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
    CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
    HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
    HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
    CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
    CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia
    CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

Also, the ability to read, comprehend, discuss and analyse printed information in English and to write statements, solve basic problems and work effectively with clients, colleagues and supervisors are essential skills required to fulfil the work role.

Workers at this level are also required to have an understanding of Indigenous culture and history and to work with local communities in the provision of services.

It is also a requirement that students should either be working in a facility or have access to a facility to be able to complete their work place components,